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Musical humor proverbs, funny sayings, and quotes

This page contains the best proverbs, aphorisms, and short phrases about musical life. The article is constantly supplemented with new statements and sayings.

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events

No matter how you sort your music, you will need to create an "Any" folder.

Nature generously endowed the singer with beauty. That was the end of the gifts.

The party might have gone on without a fight, but then the DJ turned on the soundtrack from Mortal Kombat (Aphorism quotes about DJs and concerts. Humour jokes about music and events)

Lately, listening to music has been more fun than listening to people.

You don't know anything about fear if your guitar hasn't fallen at the head of the bed in the middle of the night.

At the concert, the singer overtook her phonogram by two songs and left home early. (Aphorism quotes about singers and singing. Humorous jokes about music and events)

Epic music is written to be used for a quadcopter video about a private village.

A hit is a song that makes you think you can sing. (Arnold Glasgow)

His name never left the poster, where it always appeared under "etc". (Aphorism quotes about concerts and artists. Humorous jokes about music and events)

When a person is no longer in your life, there is always a song that reminds you of them.

The performer of a bad song always starts the applause first. (Bing Crosby)

Please don’t shoot at the pianist, he is doing his best. (Oscar Wilde)

The old lover, the old horse and the old singer are no good. (Voltaire, aphorisms and quotes about singers. Humour jokes about singers)

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events

Everyone thought Bobby had a hunchback, but he just had a short headphone cord. (Aphorism quotes about singers and singing. Humour jokes about music and events)

Blues is just a good man feeling bad.

You can't throw out a word from a song, but you can throw out a song.

The worse the singer's voice, the more fever clothes she has on. (Aphorism quotes about singers and singers. Humorous jokes about concerts and events)

It is easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself. (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Bach and Beethoven are guys who only write music for mobile phones.

The harp is a naked piano. (Aphorisms about musicians and orchestras. Humour jokes about musicians)

If I knew I had to play this song for the rest of my life, I probably would have written something else. (Joe Walsh about "Rocky Mountain Way")

Of all the noises, music is the least disagreeable. (Samuel Johnson)

If I'm too loud for you, you're too old for me. (Stiv Bators)

A real music lover, hearing a woman singing in the bathroom, bends down to the keyhole and puts his ear to it!.

If the piano has all black keys, lift the lid.

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events

A concert ticket cost $10. The concert cost nothing. (Aphorisms, quotes about concerts and artists. Humorous jokes about live music and events)

If the symphony orchestra played a little quieter during an opera performance, and the performers didn't stomp around the stage so loudly, that would be the best place to sleep.

I really love this song... not listening.

Why did you sell your trombone? - I discovered my neighbour had bought a gun! (Aphorisms quotes about musicians and singers. Humorous jokes about music and events)

A pop musician doesn't know what his next record is going to be. A classical musician does not know what his next part will be. A jazz musician doesn't know what his next note is going to be. (Sash Bar)

This guitar was given to me in a shop to buy.

A singer who has no voice will always find an audience who has no ear.

Only birds sing for free (Fyodor Chaliapin). Humour and jokes about singers. Aphorism quotes about singers and singing.

Opera makes the spectator happy when he hears a familiar word.

Jazz was called music for the rich. Jazz has been called music for the poor. But jazz has always been music for the clever.

I don't sing for everybody - I sing for everybody.

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events

Composing music is not difficult, the hardest thing is to cross out the extra notes. (Johannes Brahms)

**Music unites everyone except neighbours. (Melikhan). (Aphorism quotes about singers and singing. Humorous jokes about music and events)

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When I watch the news, I realise that the world is run by those who never listen to music. (Bob Dylan)

The opera is the only place in the world where the hero, after being stabbed in the back, begins to sing. (Boris Vian / Aphorisms, quotes about opera and classical music)

Bach almost makes me believe in God. (Roger Fry)

Always play as if an artist were listening to you. (Robert Schumann)

To get applause, you must either compose music so simple that anyone can sing it, or music too incomprehensible. (Wolfgang Mozart)

The biggest mistake a parent can make is conceiving a child with bad music. (Amy Winehouse)

Every time I listen to Wagner, I get the urge to invade Poland. (Woody Allen)

Getting your song played on the radio is a lot harder than getting a bill through Congress. (Kal Rudman)

Only three rehearsals to shame! (Humour jokes about musicians. Aphorisms about orchestras and bands)

When someone in the orchestra is out of tune, the main thing is that you have time to look at the musician next to you in a reproachful way. (Aphorisms quotes about musicians and orchestra. Humour jokes about musicians)

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events

**Jazz is when five guys play different songs at the same time. (Humour jokes about jazz and music bands. Aphorisms about live music and events)

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When people in a karaoke bar offer you money to shut up, that's also a talent that can be used to make money.

Give me the laundry bill and I'll make music out of it. (Gioacchino Rossini)

Better to sing in an opera than to listen to it. (Don Herold / aphorisms, quotes about opera and classical music)

My neighbours listen to good music, whether they like it or not. (Humour quotes about musicians. Aphorisms quotes about orchestra and music band)

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. (David Byrne)

At least one song should be listened to every day. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Just as gymnastics straightens the body, music straightens the soul. (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)

Donkeys are also related to music - their skin is pulled on a drum. (Aphorisms quotes about singers and singing. Humour jokes about music and events)

A karaoke bar combines the two worst evils: people who can't drink and people who can't sing. (Tom Driesen)

There are operas that start at 6 pm; three hours after the start, you look at your watch and it says 6:20 pm. (David Randolph)

© Ihor Kuksenko

Musical humor proverbs and musical jokes. Funny sayings about artists and concerts. Aphorisms about music bands and singers. Quotes and phrases about live music and events